Reducing waste

At the end of KBS 2023 in Johannesburg, delegates were asked to return their conference lanyards so they could be recycled and reused for 2024.

So this year in Fremantle, we are taking that sentiment a step further.

In addition to recycling and re-using lanyards, we have also decided to reduce waste further by not providing symposium satchels in 2024.

So rather than providing individual hard copies, useful and essential information, such as about host city Fremantle, will be available via this conference website. Printed versions of the conference program will be available, however, for those who would like one.

Such measures, which also include encouraging delegates to bring their own water bottles and providing tap water in jugs instead of bottled water at the conference, support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and are in line with Curtin University's Sustainable Events Guide.

For KBS 2024 delegates who would still like to use a satchel during the symposium, you are encouraged to ‘re-use’ by bringing satchels from previous KBS (or other) conferences for use in Fremantle.




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